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Exhibits and Features

Got a story to tell about an event, landmark, artifact, or other piece of Dummerston history? We hope you'll consider sharing it with your neighbors!


Please reach us via email or come to one of our meetings.

Exhibit: Faces of Dummerston II
January - March, 2025: Through the Eyes of Charles Fish


We are pleased to present something of a follow-up exhibit from our growing collection of local portraits: Faces of Dummerston II. Most of the exhibited photographs were taken by Charles Fish, while others were kindly provided to DHS. The exhibit opened on Sunday, January 12th with Chuck's sharing his comments and perspective.

This exhibit presents over 100 new photos, some of ancestors sadly gone, others of newcomers who have just unpacked. We have farmers and foresters, painters and

DHS - Charles Fish
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printmakers, butchers and bakers (but no candlestick makers). We welcome new photos. If you have some to share, we will scan them, keep copies, and return the originals. All pictures will be preserved in albums for future presentations. You can be part of the historical record.

Many of you will remember seeing the

first “Faces of Dummerston: A Work in Progress” exhibit in June 2023. Those 150-plus photos are now in albums and are also available for viewing.

Exhibit: Roger Turner, Photographer
July - September, 2024: Artist Behind the Lens

The current exhibit, July – September, is sure to be of interest. Roger Turner’s fine photographs are on display in the Artist’s Corner. Other items for your perusal include Maps of Dummerston, past and present, a display of early PTA records from the 1950s, early school books, a stunning new photographic acquisition of the history of sugaring in Dummerston and an assortment of unidentified homes and locations. Perhaps you will recognize them. We will appreciate your helpful input.


We are open the first and third Sunday every month from 1 – 3 PM or by appointment. Please call any member or Muriel Taylor at 802-321-8791 to arrange a special visit.

Exhibit: Pastels by Roderica Tilly
April - June, 2024: Landscapes and more

Kicking off April 7th, the Society hosted a stunning exhibit featuring the works of pastel landscape painter Rodrica Tilley, a Dummerston resident. Rodrica has a background in freelance illustration. Her work is colorful and hopeful, and focused on the landscape. While she does work in her studio, much of her work is en plein air. “I love to stand out in a field and make a painting that expresses my feelings and reactions to that time and place.” This exhibit featured a wonderful selection of her paintings from her Fifty-State Plein Air Painting Project, as well as garden works.

Exhibit: Old Tools & Industries of Dummerston
January - March, 2024: How we rolled, back in the day

The Dummerston Historical Society hosted an open house at its building in Dummerston Center on Sunday, January 7, 2024 from 1-3 pm. to introduce a major new exhibit, Old Tools and Industries of Dummerston. The exhibit features a big assortment of tools from 100 years ago and more, and many photographs of mills, dams, quarries, railroads, and farms from the same era.


Also on display was a collection of Dr. Grace Burnett material, including photographs and her medical library.


Donations of historical artifacts are most welcome. Old photographs can be copied and returned.

Exhibit: Artisans of Dummerston
August - October, 2023: From these hands...

The Historical Society hosted a very special exhibit showcasing the artwork and crafts of Dummerston residents. The exhibit provided an opportunity to feature the creative works of Dummerston residents (both year-around and summer) in a wide variety of media. Some artists many were aware of, others are “closet” artists who were be new to us, but were pleased to have this opportunity to display their work.

Exhibit: Faces of Dummerston
June - August, 2023: A continuing snapshot of residents old and new

The Dummerston Historical Society's summer exhibit, curated by Charles Fish, opened with
a public reception on Sunday, June 11th. "Faces of Dummerston: A Work in Progress" is a display at the Society's Schoolhouse in Dummerston Center of about 150 photographs of town residents. Some images are ancient; more were taken within living memory. Teachers, farmers, firemen, bankers, truckers, writers, engineers—here they all are, some posed, many captured at public events such as the Apple Pie Festival. The project is a work in progress.


Some photos were yet to be identified, and visitors were invited to add names and catch errors. When the pictures came off the walls, they will be preserved in albums to which new faces will be added over time. The exhibit will be open every Sunday from 2 – 4 PM until August 6th with additional dates to be announced. Also on display is Chuck Fish's amazing collection of cameras and other gear representing photographic practices of past and present.

Video: Dummerston School, 1951 - 2023
June, 2023: A look back at our ever-adapting school

Local historian and educator Bill Holiday sat down with Sallie May and Jody Normandeau to tease out their memories of the East School. Sallie and Jody look back at the day-to-day operation of the school, and also at the dramatic changes and improvements made there over the years.


Video: 24 min.  6/23/2023

Town Meeting, 1969 [Bob George]

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